Be a Behaviour Detective

Be a Behaviour Detective

Take Time to Observe

Being a behavior detective can help you target a particular reason why a person is doing what they are doing. This can lead to strategies and offer appropriate alternatives to meet the needs of the person you are considering.

It will be important for you to become a careful observer, working to understand the purpose of your child’s behaviors. It may change your beliefs, values, and interpretations of the behavior. When a link between the child and the purpose of the behavior is made, you will have a better understanding of what needs to change in their child’s daily life and why.

To be a successful behavior detective, you have to watch your child and document what is happening with your child’s behavior throughout their day. Be aware of and note the strengths, interests, talents and challenges of your child with ASD. Begin to look for patterns of behavior that your child is engaging in throughout the day. Also, pay attention to factors in their environment that may affect their behavior.

If you child is exhibiting a challenging behavior, begin to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. When did it happen?
  3. Where did it happen?
  4. Who was involved?

Use an ABC Data Chart

One strategy to help you monitor the behaviors that your child with ASD is engaging in is called an ABC chart. The letters ABC can be broken down to further help you understand your child’s behavior.

A = Antecedent. Ask yourself questions like: what is occurring right before the behavior occurs. Was there a certain event that happened? A particular noise or other sensory experience? How was your child appearing mentally? Physically? Emotionally?

B= Behavior. What behavior is occurring? What is the child doing? How long is it lasting?

C= Consequence. Ask yourself questions like: what is happening directly after the child engages in their behavior? How are other people responding to your child? What does your child do after he engages in the behavior?