If your son or daughter with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is interested in pursuing post-secondary education or training at a college or university, know that there are post-secondary supports available to them. Below are the post-secondary supports that are available for individuals with a disability in Manitoba.
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is a consumer run organization that supports post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities across Canada. NEADS works along side post-secondary stakeholders, other non-governmental organizations, employers, disability service providers (on college and university campuses) and communities to improve opportunities in post-secondary education and employment for persons with a disability.
For more information on NEADS, visit their website at: http://www.neads.ca/
NEADS provides the following post-secondary supports to individuals who have a disability:
- Financial Aid assistance
- Campus disability services
- Student and graduate employment
Financial Aid Assistance
NEADS has developed website called Disability Awards that provides students with financial aid information for persons with a disability. The website has an online searchable database that allows students to search for available disability based scholarships, awards, and bursaries. The website also has a feature where students can create their own profile to allow them get financial aid information that relates directly to them. In addition, the website provides students with information on grant and loan programs available from federal and provincial governments.
To visit the Disability Awards website, go to http://www.disabilityawards.ca/?lang=EN
Campus Disability Services
NEADS works to ensure that post-secondary institutions have a disability services and supports unit available to students with a disability. The types of supports available at post-secondary institutions may include: access to tutoring, alternative testing sites, longer time to complete tests, assignments or exams, etc.
If your child with ASD is interested in enrolling at a Manitoba college or university, contact the disability services and support staff at the institution to learn more about what they can offer for supports. Contact information can be reached at the websites below:
- University of Manitoba • http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/saa/accessibility/new-and-future-students.html
- University of Winnipeg • http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/services-accessibility
- Brandon University • http://www.brandonu.ca/student-services/disability-services/
- Red River College • http://www.rrc.ca/index.php?pid=8210
- Manitoba Institute for Trades and Technology • http://mitt.ca/student-services
- Assiniboine College – Brandon • http://public.assiniboine.net/FutureStudents/StudentServices/AccessibilityDisability.aspx
- Eastman Education Centre • http://www.eastmaneducation.ca/institutions/redrivercollege.php
- University College of the North • http://www.ucn.ca/sites/studentdevelopment/accessibility/Pages/Accessibility.aspx
- Private Vocational Institutions • http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/pvs/list.html
- Religious Institutions • http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/unicoll/religious.html
- Apprenticeship Manitoba • http://www.gov.mb.ca/tce/apprent/
Student and graduate employment
NEADS holds Job Search Strategies forums for post-secondary students and graduates who have a disability. The purpose of these forums is to give students education and advice about transitioning from post-secondary education to the workforce. As individuals who have a disability have barriers presented to them when entering the workforce, many students may have questions or uncertainty on how the transition will go. The forums discuss these issues related to career transition for post-secondary students with disabilities. The forums can provide information on: preparing for the job market, resume development, conducting a job search, arranging workplace accommodations, promoting your skills set, and mentoring opportunities for students and employers.
To get more information on forums that will be taking place in Manitoba, contact:
National Educational Association of Disabled Students
Carleton University
426-1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6 Canada
Telephone: 613-380-8065
Toll-Free: 1-877-670-1256
E-mail: info@neads.ca
Or visit the NEADS website, available at: http://www.neads.ca/
Post-Secondary Programs for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability
Campus Life
Campus Life is a program that is offered at the University of Manitoba through the Department of Education. The program support students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who otherwise would be excluded from post-secondary education. Students are encouraged to select courses that interest them and they attend to the course as an auditing student. Students will take 1 or 2 classes per semester. Each student works with a tutor who is responsible for adapting course content and assignments to fit the student’s needs and abilities.
For more information on the Campus Life program, contact:
Campus Life
University of Manitoba
423 Education Building, 71 Curry Place
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-7946
Email: Trevi.Freeze@ad.umanitoba.ca
Website: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/education/campus_life
Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children
The Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children offers scholarships annually to exceptional individuals who are pursuing post-secondary education. Scholarships are offered to students who are transitioning from high school to university and to students returning to a post-secondary institution.
For more information on scholarships offered by the Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children, please visit the following website: