Services and Supports Available in Adulthood

Services and Supports Available in Adulthood

Below are the services and supports that are available to adults who have autism spectrum disorder or individuals who have other physical and cognitive disabilities.

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)

The Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. Individuals who have a disability are able to apply for EIA.  There are special provisions within this program to provide support to Manitobans with disabilities.

You can learn more in:


  • Applicant must live in Manitoba and are 18 years of age or older.
  • Applicant must have a mental or physical disability that is likely to last more than 90 days and this disability keeps them from earning enough money to pay for their or their family’s basic needs.
  • Applicant is in financial need.

For more information on how to apply for EIA, contact your local EIA office.

Call EIA at:
204-948-4000 in Winnipeg
Toll free at 1-877-812-0014
TTY at 204-945-4796 or 1-800-855-0511 (Manitoba Relay Service)

OR visit their website:
Outside of Winnipeg:

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities

The EAPD Program, formerly known as marketAbilities offer a wide range of employment focused services to assist adults with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment.  These include:

  • Vocational Counselling: A Vocational Counsellor will assist in exploring vocational goals based on the individual’s interests, abilities and skills.
  • Assessment: Specialized vocational assessments may be used to assist in identifying appropriate employment options and supports.
  • Vocational Planning: Planning is done on an individual basis to address each person’s unique training or employment support needs. It may involve a single service, or a multi-year training plan that includes a variety of supports.
  • Vocational Training: Vocational training may include specific job development and/or post-secondary or other adult education courses.
  • Support Services: Support services may be provided to accommodate disability-related barriers to employment and may include supported employment (see below), disability-related education expenses, sign language interpreting, provision of technical equipment, or building or vehicle modifications.
  • Direct Employment Services: These services may include job search, resume preparation, establishment of contacts with job placement agencies, job referral, training-on-the-job, and supports required to obtain or maintain employment.


To be eligible for EAPD, an individual:

  • Must be a resident of Manitoba with a mental, psychiatric, learning or physical disability;
  • Be 16 years of age or older;
  • Be legally entitled to work in Manitoba and show a willingness to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment.

For more information, please visit the Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities website.

Supported Employment 

Entering the world of work can be a challenge for individuals with ASD.  There are agencies specifically designed to help people with disabilities find and retain work.  Upon school graduation your son or daughter may be asked by their community service worker (through marketAbilities) about their career aspirations.  They may be referred to a supported employment agency to help them get ready for and enter the job market.

You can learn more about the transition from school to work using a guide developed by the Manitoba Supported Employment Network.

Community Living disAbility Services

Community Living disAbility Services (formerly the Supported Living Program) is responsible for the planning, development, maintenance, overall direction and management of programs and resources that support and enhance the quality of life of adults with a mental disability living in the community.

Services Provided

Community Living disAbility Services is responsible for the review and development of policies associated with:

Residential Services

Residential Services provides care and accommodation to assist adults with a mental disability to live in the community in their residential option of choice, including;

  • a family home;
  • independent living; and
  • residential care facilities – approved or licensed facilities that include foster homes and private and agency-managed facilities.

Day Services

Day Services are directed at maximizing the independence and productivity of adults with a mental disability by assisting them in adapting to and participating in the province’s workforce; supporting their involvement in the community; and enhancing their personal development. Transportation services are also provided to adults who attend an approved funded day program. The day services provided through this program include supported employment and follow-up services, services with a vocational focus, and personal development services.

Support Services

Support services include respite for caregivers, crisis intervention to ensure immediate safety and well-being, and other supports to individuals and families in need.

Residential Care Licensing


To be eligible for Community Living disAbility Services, a person must:

  • Be a “vulnerable person” under The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act;
  • Be 18 years or older;
  • Be a Canadian citizen;
  • Be a resident in Manitoba.

For more information on services, please visit the Community Living DisAbility Services website.