Children’s DisAbility Services (formerly known as Children’s Special Services (CSS)) can offer support to children and their families affected with a disability. A diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome allows your family to access these services. The supports available are listed on the government of Manitoba website: and include:
- Respite: respite can be either hired by Children’s DisAbility Services or you may find someone to provide your respite and be reimbursed each month for the services you paid to the support worker. The purpose of the respite can be twofold, to give the family a break from the high demand care that is often required when caring for a child with a disability and to give a child the chance to experience life in the community with an adult, other than the parent.
- Supplies and Equipment: not all supplies and equipment are covered. However, if a child is bed wetting, Children’s DisAbility Services can assist with the purchase of anti-bedwetting devices and/or pull-ups.
- Summer Gap Programming: This service can provide the funding for a support worker to attend a two week summer camp with your child, with the aim of helping your child to maintain or further improve skills gained during the previous school year.
You may self-refer to Children’s DisAbility Services or the professional that diagnosed your child can do the referral for you. If you are making the referral yourself, ensure that you have documentation of your child’s diagnosis, and contact you regional Family Services office. In Winnipeg, regional offices can be located through Outside of Winnipeg go to Depending on your location you name will be placed on a waiting list and a Children’s DisAbility Services worker will contact you to get further information regarding your child and the service needs of your family.